The management of Ocean Science is undertaken by two Resident Indian Nationals; a Managing Director Cdr. Tyagi, NM, IN(Retd.) and one nominee director Cdr. R. K. Vohra,IN(Retd.) reporting to holding company WNRT Holding Ltd., Mauritius.
The Ocean Science management team has a combined experience in Offshore Surveying of over 250
years, and is easily the most accomplished and distinguished Indian survey company. The key members
of the Management Team are:
Cdr. Tyagi, Managing Director
Cdr. Tyagi is responsible for overall management and performance of the company and its operations. He brings over 44 years of offshore experience, which includes a 23 year long distinguished service in the Indian Navy; in command of hydrographic survey ships, as head of training at an IHO/FIG-approved category 'A' training school, and at the headquarters of Indian Hydrographic Department, during which period he was awarded the 'Naosena Medal' by the President of India in recognition of his exceptional service. Subsequently, after joining the private sector offshore survey industry in 1993, he rose to become the CEO of the largest and most reputed Indian survey company, Elcome Surveys Pvt. Ltd., where he served for 13 years. He holds a Master's degree each in Physics and Defence Studies, is a Charge Hydrographer and holder of Certificate of Service as Master (FG).He is a Fellow of the Institution of Surveyors, a Senior Member of the Computer Society of India (CSI) and a Member of the Indian National Cartographic Association (INCA). Widely travelled and highly accomplished as a professional, he is the guiding force, largely responsible for the success of Ocean Science, with the support of a cohesive team of experienced professionals.
Santokh Chand, General Manager (Operations)
Santokh Chand is one of the founding members of Ocean Science, and as a General Manager, he is responsible for the survey department and field operations. He has 39 years experience in the offshore survey field, including 10 years in the Indian Navy. Prior to joining Ocean Science, Santokh worked for 14 years in Elcome Surveys Pvt. Ltd, then India's largest and most reputed survey company, where he was the Chief Surveyor and DGM. Before Elcome he also worked in Rai's Coastal Survey and Consultancy Services for seven years. He has vast experience in hydrographic, geophysical, pipeline route, cable route, UXO survey and harbour development surveys.
Farokh Patel, General Manager (Geophysics & Reporting)
Farokh Patel is the General Manager (Geophysics & Reporting) for Ocean Science, and is responsible for Project Management as well as QA/QC of geophysical data during acquisition, interpretation and reporting phases to client's specifications. In addition he is instrumental in acquisition of new equipment, software etc. He brings in 30 years of experience in geophysical data acquisition and processing to Ocean Science. He earned a Master's degree in Applied Geology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, in 1983, after which he worked as a CDP data processor in Interra Exploration Ltd and then as a Mud logger on ONGC rigs through a French company, SAMEGA. He also worked in Rai's Coastal Survey and Consultancy Services for two and a half years. Before joining Ocean Science at its inception in 2006, he was the Chief Geophysicist and DGM at Elcome Surveys Pvt. Ltd, where he worked for 15 years
Sneiha Deshmukh, Deputy General Manager (Accounts & Finance)
Sneiha Deshmukh joined Ocean Science in 2006 and is the Deputy General Manager (Accounts & Finance).She is a Commerce Graduate from Nagpur University and a Chartered Accountant. She brings a varied experience of over 25 years, spread across service industries; including construction and project finance. She also briefly worked with the finance department of the Elcome Group of Companies.
Narpat Singh Rathore, Deputy General Manager (Technical)
Narpat Singh Rathore is one of the founding members of Ocean Science. He is the Deputy General Manager (Technical)and is responsible for vessel mobilizations, equipment purchase & maintenance and high quality data acquisition. Narpat has over 14 years' field experience, and has earlier worked with Elcome Surveys and Fugro. Among his various accomplishments was his role as Technical Specialist on a major project in Kazakhstan where he was responsible for the setting up and maintenance of AWS Met stations across the Caspian Sea for AGIP. Narpat received his engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from Mumbai University.
Jadumani Chakra, Deputy General Manager (Technical)
Jadumani Chakra joined Ocean Science in 2007, and is the Deputy General Manager (Engineering & Technical) and Heads the Technical Section at Ocean Science. Jadumani's responsibilities include vessel mobilizations, equipment maintenance and Multibeam operations apart from other contributions to various survey operations of the company. He received training in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Indian Navy and Bachelor of Electronics from VJTI, Mumbai, during his tenure in the Indian Navy. Thereafter, he worked with Elcome Marine Services Pvt. Ltd as Project leader for DGLL and as specialist engineer on board scientific research vessel ORV Sagar Kanya, looking after maintenance and operation of various scientific equipment and systems installed on board. He was also the Project Manager & Customer Support Engineer with GeoAcoustics India and trained in various OEM's software.